Posted by Adrienne Boswell on 02/25/07 23:37
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Thad" <tsobota@cox.net> writing
in news:0%nEh.37874$iE2.3107@newsfe10.phx:
> ok...I can use an asp file to load my whole html page, no problem. The
> problem is getting the asp file to print my menu within a table cell
> which is already created by an html. Is there something wrong with
> the following code? I may have the code right but my server is not
> allowing my use of the asp file. Please let me know.
Do you have asp on the server? What kind of OS do you have? If you
have IIS6, ASP is not enabled by default and you have to enable it. See
your server documentation for details.
> asp file: test1.asp
No DocType? New pages should be HTML Strict.
><dl id="menu">
><dt class="btn"><a href="carflags.html">Car Flags</a></dt>
This looks a little strange, too. Usually, for a definition list, there
is a term (dt) and a definition (dd). You probably want ul and li.
Further, there is probably no reason on include class="btn" if you style
the ancestor element correctly, that being the dl element in the above
> Part of my html:
> <td id="topa">
> <b>Items Menu</b>
> <%
> <p><!-- #include file="test1.asp" --></p>
> %>
> </td>
Okay, so your REAL markup is:
<td id="topa">
<b>Items Menu</b>
<dl id="menu">
<dt class="btn"><a href="carflags.html">Car Flags</a></dt>
In the first place, tds very rarely have an id - that's because an id
can only be used once in one document, where a class can be used many
times in the same document. Oh wait! You're abusing tables for
positioning, aren't you?
<div id="menu">
<li><a href="somepage.html">Some Page</a></li>
You may want to look at alistapart's on taming lists.
> -----------------
> Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Includes are processed before any other server side script, so you want
to also look at the HTML the asp script produced. If you see just
<p><!-- #include file="test1.asp" --></p>, then your server is not
processing the include directive at all.
Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
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