Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 02/25/07 20:13
Daz wrote:
> On Feb 25, 5:15 pm, "peter" <sub...@flexiwebhost.com> wrote:
>>> Actually, PHP4 does support the mysqli object, also.
>>> But in PHP5 your constructors are named __construct, not the class name.
>>> So you need to change the constructor name in your class, and call
>>> parent::construct(...)
>> Just a correction of Jerry's post. As of php 5 the __constructor method was
>> made available BUT the old constructor name is still useable.
>> The class you are actually using (mysqli) does in fact use a contructor
>> called mysqli as the following code snippet will demonstrate if you run it:-
>> <?php
>> function output_methods($obj)
>> {
>> $methods = get_class_methods($obj);
>> foreach ($methods as $method)
>> {
>> echo "function $method()\n";
>> }
>> }
>> output_methods("mysqli");
>> ?>
> Excellent! Just what I needed :)
> I am wondering why constructors are different in PHP5. Surely anyone
> coding portable scripts, would just use the PHP4 constructor
> technique, as there's no guarantee that the server it needs to run on
> is running PHP5. Some people have no control over what version of PHP
> is installed if they are simply paying for a basic hosting account.
> Fortunately for me, I have the choice between 4 and 5, but others
> won't necessarilly be quite so fortunate.
> Thanks for your help Peter. That's sure going to save me digging
> through source code and scratching my head to to point of baldness.
> Best wishes.
> Daz.
It was changed because they're moving away from the old classname
constructor to just __constructor. New code on php5 should be using the
new method.
For compatibility with PHP4, just create your constructor as
__constructor. Then create a classname constructor and have it call
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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