Posted by Jψrn Dahl-Stamnes on 02/26/07 09:51
Willem Bogaerts wrote:
> This feature is called "magic quotes". It is a setting in PHP.INI.
I use the same php.ini file on both servers. The current settings for all
'magic' keywords:
magic_quotes_gpc = On
magic_quotes_runtime = Off
magic_quotes_sybase = Off
Is this the correct settings or?
I also tried to install php 4.4.5, since I found that there might be a bug
in addslashes. It did not help, but I now get the message "The uploaded
file was only partially uploaded" when uploading a large file (112 Kb). A
Smaller file (69Kb) works OK.
JΓΈrn Dahl-Stamnes
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