Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 02/26/07 18:32
Scripsit Djay:
> I have a problem with a TABLE in Internet Explorer
The odds are that you shouldn't be using a table in the first place.
> In Internet Explorer, all my cells are resize !
I copied your code snippet and tested it. IE 7 shows (both in standards and
quirks mode) the left and right column as declared. So you need to be more
specific about your reference to IE, and you should probably post the URL of
a real page where the problem can be observed.
It is true that IE often treats declared widths as suggested minimum widths
(which is how they have been defined in HTML), but I cannot see such a
problem in your example.
> PS : Sorry for my english
It's better than your HTML code! :-)
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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