Posted by shror on 02/27/07 10:05
On Feb 27, 10:56 am, Geoff Berrow <blthe...@ckdog.co.uk> wrote:
> Message-ID: <op.toecyxs170mclq@cp139795-a.landg1.lb.home.nl> from
> OmegaJunior contained the following:
> >Imagine a hacker who happens to know or guess the system
> >you use, and then requests your gallery.php to show the contents of that
> >configuration file?
> How would a gallery script show the contents of a .php file?
> --
> Geoff Berrow (put thecat out to email)
> It's only Usenet, no one dies.
> My opinions, not the committee's, mine.
> Simple RFDshttp://www.ckdog.co.uk/rfdmaker/
The idea here is not to see the contents or the code of the
gallery.php but to get the code of the form and understand what it
pass to the gallery.php script which will be in this case the value of
the radio button.
second i'd like to tell you Thanks you OmegaJunior and sure you help
me and am working on what you told me and when i passed an image
containing in its name spaces i just replaced the space with %20 and
its working in the gallery.php
but if i added the image name with a space in the value of the radio
button its not read correctly in the gallery.php file so we have to
deal in the spaces with%20
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