Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 02/27/07 22:56
Ivan Marsh wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Feb 2007 20:44:47 +0000, Tim Streater wrote:
>> In article <1172596225.876668.42750@k78g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>,
>> "Mitesh" <oopsbabies@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> What I have discovered is re-using the $req variable is fine. While re-
>>> using the $res produces undefined result (sometimes the second query
>>> works fine and sometimes it doesn't. When I use different variables
>>> like $res1 and $res2 the mysql queries always succeed. Is the initial
>>> approach of re-using variable wrong if variables contain a
>>> resource(reference type)?
>>> In other words since PHP uses garbage collection re-using the same
>>> variable can cause problems. Is this true?
>> Pass. But I systematically do mysql_free_result($res) whether I need to
>> or not, not just before a re-use of $res in another query, but also at
>> the end of the script. I don't know how it works internally or how much
>> one needs to worry about this.
> The resource gets freed automatically at the end of the script. It's
> always a good idea to free something you're going to re-use in case your
> code isn't working properly you could be left with old data still in the
> resource that's hiding where your real issue is.
One correction. It gets freed when the garbage collector runs. This is
sometime after the script ends, but may not be immediately.
I always free my results, close connections, and generally clean up for
myself. It's just good programming practice.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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