Posted by IchBin on 02/28/07 14:23
Lorenzo Bettini wrote:
> J.O. Aho wrote:
>> Mike Russell wrote:
>>> I'm just starting out in php, and am looking around for any ide /
>>> debugger combinations.
>> IDE=Kdevelop
>> DEBUGER=My brain
> is my brain free? can you post a link, please?
> thanks in advance
J.O. Aho is telling you that you do not need "No Stink'en debugger". Use
your brain.
As for myself, I had to code my Assembler\RPG\COBOL programs with pencil
and paper 30 years ago. When I was able to use the computer to
electronically code my programs I jump on that bandwagon.
Now-a-days my same sentiments goes for debugging. Debugging is more than
writing perfect code or trying remembering all the values of vars across
a large application with x amount of class(s)..
Thanks in Advance... http://weconsultants.prophp.org
IchBin, Pocono Lake, Pa, USA http://ichbinquotations.awardspace.com
'If there is one, Knowledge is the "Fountain of Youth"'
-William E. Taylor, Regular Guy (1952-)
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