Posted by denisbytezone on 03/01/07 02:28
I've hit two problems recently that strike me as major issues.
Firstly, if you compare two objects for equality, and there is some
recursion involved internal to the object's structure, then PHP gives
an error.
Consider this:
$blob1 = new Blob ();
$blob2 = new Blob ();
$blob1->child = $blob2;
$blob2->child = $blob1;
$blob1 === $blob2 ? print 'equal' : print 'not equal'; // works
$blob1 == $blob2 ? print 'equal' : print 'not equal'; // fails
Class Blob
public $child;
I reported this as a bug, and was told "that's how PHP works - not a
Secondly, today I find out that using session_start() is a good way to
pass objects from web page to page, UNLESS they use SimpleXML. As they
say, WTF?
I've found that this was also reported as a bug (by someone else), and
they received the same response. I find it very difficult to continue
with this language, not knowing what weirdo error is going to crop up
next and then to be told "It's supposed to do that"
Is there a workaround to the second problem? How does one share
objects between pages when using SimpleXML?
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