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Re: Accessing stdClass object vars

Posted by Hendri Kurniawan on 03/01/07 03:37

JamesG wrote:
> On Mar 1, 1:58 am, Hendri Kurniawan <> wrote:
>> get_object_vars will actually give you an array of properties an object have
>> Hendri
>> JamesG wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have the following object, I need to extract the SysMessage
>>> property.
>>> stdClass Object ( [UnknownConsignment] => stdClass Object
>>> ( [SysMessage] => Your consignment could not be found on our
>>> system ) )
>>> I could do this:
>>> $object->UnknownConsignment->SysMessage
>>> However, depending on the condition, the "UnknownConsignment" property
>>> might be called something else.
>>> Therefore, I need a solution, something like an array:
>>> $object->[0]->SysMessage
>>> Thanks in advance!
> Thanks for the tip.
> I'm trying to use this, but it's not working how I like.
> The array is now as follows:
> Array ( [UnknownConsignment] => stdClass Object ( [SysMessage] => Your
> consignment could not be found on our system ) )
> So you would assume by using: $array[0] would access the object, and:
> $array[0]->SysMessage contains the message I want.
> This does not work! I know it's something silly, so any further help
> is appreciated!
> Thanks again

Hi James,

It doesn't work because it returns associated array.
What you have to do is get the name of that keys using array_keys.

$variables = get_object_vars($object);
$keys = array_keys($variables);
print $variables[$key[0]]->SysMessage;

Hendri Kurniawan



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