Posted by Steve on 02/28/07 18:23
"javelin" <google.1.jvmail@spamgourmet.com> wrote in message
| > you need to learn the preg functions and write a regular expression that
| > catures html tags such as src= and href=, etc. once you get your
| > get the contents using file_get_contents. it looks like you're either
| > screen-scraping or hacking...either way, there are tons of examples of
| > regex you'll need. just google 'php screen scraping'.
| I'm familiar with the regex and experssions, so I should be able to
| parse out the data. I was simply wondering if there were any
| functions or opensource code available for this task. I did google
| 'php screen scraping' and got lot's of pages. Looks like it's going to
| be a late night for me :-)
no problem...good luck.
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