Posted by rcoan@chaparralboats.com on 02/28/07 21:25
> I assume you rename the contact.html to contactform.php
When you assume you really make an ass out of me!! haha!!! Thank you
sooooooooo much, everything works now!!!! Now I just have to work on
the security aspect of it!!
I can't believe I fiddled with this for two days and all I had to do
was change .html to .php jeeezzzz!!!! I take back everything I said
before about feeling stupid.. NOW I reaalllyyy feeelll retarded!!!
Ok, now on to security measures.... Could someone explain to me what
this code does, how it secures the emails and where in my code I
should implement it?
$emailInput = array($to, $from, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $message);
$injections = array('to', 'from', 'cc', 'bcc');
foreach ($emailInput as $input)
foreach ($injections as $injection)
$input = preg_replace("/n?" . $injection . "\s*?:.*?\n/i", '',
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