Posted by Paul Furman on 03/01/07 06:53
Michael Vilain wrote:
> I setup credit card charging with a combination of php and perl. It's
> running on a shared server, so I had to use a protected perl script with
> the constants like passwords and hash keys in the script. The script is
> run by CGIwrap under my account's UID rather than as the web server's
> UID.
> Perl seems to be suited to do SSL submissions to authorize.net, receive,
> and process their reply. I had no problems getting it to work with
> their excellent documentation. I didn't see away of getting PHP to do
> it and the Perl CPAN modules to emulate a browser client worked without
> problems.
Thanks for the input.
Yikes, hmmm, maybe I'll look at the perl documentation, nothing is
explained in the php sample coding. I know nothing about perl. Ugh.
PS I just ran it with the POST method enabled & no redirect occured.
> Paul Furman wrote:
>>I'm setting up credit card payment through authorize.net and they have
>>the option to send a POST string back to my site once complete. I'm not
>>sure how to proceed. They don't have much to read about this, their tech
>>support seemed to think I've got the general idea though & said I might
>>have to have my hosting server set up permissions to recieve POST data
>>that way.
>>Let me paste their explanation:
>>Gateway Response API
>>This section describes the response returned by the gateway when a
>>transaction is submitted for processing. The gateway response to a
>>transaction submitted via SIM is either a Receipt Page that is displayed
>>to the consumer or a POST string to a site designated by the merchant.
>>The merchant can then parse the POST string, customize a response, and
>>submit it back to the gateway. The gateway will then relay the response
>>to the customer¹s browser.
>>Indicates the result of the transaction:
>> 1 = Approved
>> 2 = Declined
>> 3 = Error
>>This number identifies the transaction in the system and can be used to
>>submit a modification of this transaction at a later time, such as
>>voiding, crediting or capturing the transaction.
>>This is the merchant's supplied invoice number
>>So best I figure I'm going to get a redirect to my server And I'm
>>guessing I'd use something like this:
>>if (isset($_REQUEST['x_response_code'])) {
>>//then finalize the order, subtract from inventory
>>// and generate a reciept
>>And I'm not so comfortable with the idea of setting up a page on my site
>>that lets any external server send POST data & retrieve customer's order
>>details. I think I'm not understanding all this. I do need to know if
>>their credit card was accepted to continue processing the order on my
>>end though. I don't want to update the inventory & they end up getting
>>their card rejected or give up.
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