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how can i cache data that took from a txt file before?

Posted by onurpay on 03/03/07 11:07

Güncel : is a category name in the txt file.
BCList2.txt : data file from another site
problem : the txt file is too big. it has lots of categories in it. i
need only "Güncel" category. also it is too slow to show that category
in my page. so i want to cache it maybe in a txt file in my server. so
second time that i need the data it won't be too slow. i want to take
the data once in a day but show several times. the code below is
working as well as i need. but it is too slow to open every time
refresh my page. if any suggestions, thank you.

here is the code

if (!$kategori_haber) $kategori_haber = array("Güncel");
$satir = file("") or
die("Serverla iletişim sağlanamadı!");
for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($kategori_haber); $x++) {
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($satir); $i++) {
if (trim($satir[$i]) == "+$kategori_haber[$x]") {
$bas = $i + 2;
for ($i = $bas; $i < sizeof($satir); $i++) {
if (substr($satir[$i], 0, 1) == "+" || $i == sizeof($satir) - 1) {
$son = $i;
for ($i = $bas; $i < $son; $i++) {
$yazi = trim($satir[$i]);
if ($yazi != "-" && !eregi("$kategori_haber[$x] Güncel", $yazi)) {
$yazi = str_replace("/news/./", "",
$haber_e = explode("|", $yazi);
$haber_e[0]=str_replace("", "",
echo "·<font face=verdana size=1>&nbsp;<a href=\"http://$haber_e[0]\" target=_blank >$haber_e[1]</a></



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