Posted by qualitychecker@free.fr on 03/05/07 11:06
Hello thanks for your help..
I try to reference a PHP module from within a HTML file, see below
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="fr">
<title> My title </title>
on place un embed
<embed id="embed1" alt="ne marche pas..." src="ws.php?
projet=ppp&mode=mmm&fichier=fff.xml&fichierxsl=xxx.xsl" type="image/svg
+xml" WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="300"></embed>
on place un embed
<embed id="embed2" src="ppp.svg" type="image/svg+xml"
WIDTH="500" HEIGHT="500"></embed>
I run an Apache web server and unfortunatly, the first embed
(name="embed1") is never requested by IE. The second one
(name="embed2") is load correctly.
Can anyone explain me why ? Maybe IE doesn't recognise a correct file
extension, what else ???
I have been testing lots and lots of changes, but never work with IE.
It works fine with Firefox...
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