Posted by J.O. Aho on 03/05/07 11:16
shimmyshack wrote:
> can I just clarify, if there is already an exsisting session, why
> doesn't the call to session_start() pick up on that fact and refuse to
> create a new session.
Yes, that is true, but we haven't seen the code, so the OP may be using
session_regenerate_id() when he creates the session or on some other way
messes things up.
> It seems to me that was must be happening at the moment, for data to
> be lost is that the variables are pushed to a completely new session
> each time the form POSTs, this just seems to defeat the point of
> sessions to me?
Thats a possibility too, but we don't know as long as we don't see the code.
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