Posted by Paul Charlton-Thomson on 06/29/05 02:12
I have been working on this and I have found a workaround but using IFRAME
which I'm not keen on ... so I can create my image and get it to display
with my HTML using ...
<IFRAME WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="300" SRC="draw_pie.php?a=' . $a. '&b=' . $b.
'&c=' . $c. '&d=' . $d. '&e=' . $e. '&f=' . $f. '&g=' . $g. '&h=' . $h.
but I can't get this to work ...
<IMG SRC="draw_pie.php?a=' . $a. '&b=' . $b. '&c=' . $c. '&d=' . $d. '&e=' .
$e. '&f=' . $f. '&g=' . $g. '&h=' . $h. '" WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="200">
Any ideas ???
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