Posted by Cord-Heinrich Pahlmann on 03/08/07 17:10
On 8 Mrz., 14:16, Sjoerd <sjoerd-n...@linuxonly.nl> wrote:
> Cord-Heinrich Pahlmann wrote:
> > These are the two lines which generate the error.
> > $return = $sbox0[$b0] + $sbox1[$b1] % pow(2,32) ;
> Modulus with big number is buggy (bug reports 1335, 12623, 25328). You
> could use BCmath or the following function:
> function mod($a, $b) {
> return $a - $b * floor($a / $b);
> }
> Sjoerd
It returns different values. bcmod() also doesn't return the right
I guess I have to stick with @();
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