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Re: Need some help on header refresh...

Posted by Rik on 03/09/07 03:35

Justin <> wrote:

> Dear Jerry,
> I found a solution... Since i couldn refresh the page, so i thought
> off clearing the buffer, so i added ob_start() and ob_end_clean() in a
> certain portion of the coding AND IT WORKSS!!!!!

You haven't solved the problem, you've just masked it. The placing of
those 2 commands should give you a clue where you're sending content,
search that and remove it.

Your solution is like moving the couch to hide the nasty stain in the
carpet: the stain is still there, your carpet is not as it should be, it
just seems that way for now.
Rik Wasmus
Posted on Usenet, not any forum you might see this in.
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