Posted by boclair on 03/10/07 01:25 wrote:
> I'm a librarian trying to put a finishing touch on an online materials
> catalog. The line below seems to do nothing in my program.. And I
> don't get any error messages. So, I'm very perplexed because it
> doesn't work as I'd like.
> I'm trying to see if $book_review_url is defined.. then if it is I
> want it to make 'Click here for reviews for $title' to be hyperlinked
> by the url that is in the database in $book_review_url. Any help
> would be appreciated!
> <?php if (defined($book_review_url)) echo "<a href=\"$book_review_url
> \">Click here for reviews for $title on</a>"; ?>
if (ISSET($book_review_url) {}
or, depending,
if ($book_review_url) {}
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