Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/10/07 14:00
rahulthathoo wrote:
> Hi
> I have a perl program called by my php script, which in turn is called
> by the browser. Now, the perl program is called using exec, but takes
> a long time to finish. So, till the time the perl script does not
> finish its job, the browser does not show anything. I have messages
> like "Dont close this window", but that does not show up till the
> whole perl program finishes. Is there a way, I can somehow remedy
> this, try to show a message on the browser - "Please while your data
> processes" and then do the processing in the background?
> Rahul
You need to flush() your output. But beware - just because it goes to
the browser doesn't mean the browser will display it. For instance, if
it's in a table, the browser may wait for the entire table to be sent.
And there are a lot of other possibilities.
But if you keep it short and clean, you have a better chance to get your
message displayed immediately.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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