Posted by Benjamin on 03/11/07 03:19
On Mar 10, 7:18 pm, "Baron Samedi" <Papa.Legba....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I coded up a hit counter, then extended it to see who was reading my
> blog, by matching IP. The problem is that I am swamped by crawlers.
> How can I detect a human, or a crawler? If I can handle one, I can
> negate it for the other.
You can't really. Any device can send any user agent it wants. (A
awful bot can send a Firefox user agent.)
> Should I somehow user $_SERVER['USER_AGENT'] ? or something else?
Try using the get_browser function. It returns all sorts of
information about the USER_AGENT. http://www.php.net/get-browser
> Thanks in advance.
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