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Re: Help with array

Posted by Iv�n S�nchez Ortega on 03/11/07 04:14

aarondeloach wrote:

> No DB backend. This tree needs to be created on-the-fly from the array
> provided.

No way. Doing so, on-the-fly, every time, is:
a) a waste of CPU time (too inefficient)
b) consecuently, a decrease of the server performance
c) complex code
d) consecuently, a source of bugs
e) consecuently, a source of headaches

So, whatever backend you're using, modify it to store the tree. And run a
script, *once* to convert the plain array into the tree.

Iván Sánchez Ortega -ivansanchez-algarroba-escomposlinux-punto-org-

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