Posted by Tony on 06/29/05 23:34
Hilarion wrote:
>> At the following address there are two links to two separate pages
>> The pages are Test10 and Test20.
>> [...]
>> Test20 does NOT work while Test10 does WORK (after a fashion).
> Looks like they both do not work. In both cases there's PHP source
> sent to the client instead of being processed by PHP.
> Are you sure there's PHP installed on server
> and that it's configured to treat *.htm files as PHP files.
> Finally (when achieving the two above) you'll have to make sure
> it's configured to treat <script language="PHP"> as PHP opening tag
> (if you want to use it).
> Hilarion
It would probably be better to do things the normal way and use the PHP file
extension, and the standard PHP opening & closing tags <?php ?> or <? ?>
Tony Garcia
Web Right! Development
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