Posted by John Bell on 03/12/07 08:23
Hi Rob
On Mar 11, 4:47 pm, "rcamarda" <robert.a.cama...@gmail.com> wrote:
> John,
> I've been running the scripts you've pointed out in BOL, so they are
> changing. the amount and size of fragmentation is coming down, but I
> have some smaller files with a lot.
> fill Factor is default, which I think is 80.
> On Mar 11, 9:15 am, "John Bell" <jbellnewspo...@hotmail.com> wrote:
If your tables are bulk loaded and never change a 100% fill factor
would be feasible. If the data pages are all in memory then the index
fragmentation is not going to be an issue, this may be the case with
small tables.
To reduce fragmentation of the heap tables you can try adding a
clustered index and then drop it, although you should look at possibly
having a permanent clustered indexes in some cases.
Check the indexes are being used by seeing if there is an entry in
sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats . If there is no entry the index has not
been used since the last reboot, so you would need to see if it will
ever be usfull.
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