Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 03/12/07 18:23
ArChAs wrote:
> On 12 Mar, 17:36, "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4...@centralva.net> wrote:
>> ArChAs wrote:
>>> hi.
>>> i have few links with background image (rollover effect). i did empty
>>> links "<a class="aaa" href="bbb"></a>". i just couldn't do <a><img></
>>> a> becouse of my rollover in background. i think it isn't so correct
>>> to do this way.
>>> how to change it properly?
>> For it to be a traversable link, there has to be something between the
>> opening a closing tag. Remember background is just decoration *not* content!
> yes, i know so i want to change it. i used this:
> http://wellstyled.com/css-nopreload-rollovers.html but without text on
> buttons. help me, please!
Yes, but how is the visitor suppose to know what the link is to? HINT:
they may not be able to see your image... text-only or screen-reader...
Take care,
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