Posted by Greg D. Moore \(Strider\) on 03/13/07 12:46
"Dominik Hirt" <> wrote in message
> Greg D. Moore (Strider) schrieb:
>> Use QUERY Analyzer and look up details BACKUP DATABASE
>> You'll want something like BACKUP DATABASE 'foo' to
>> disk='\\remoteserver\share1\backupfilename.bak'
>> If your database is in full recovery mode, make sure to do a log backup
>> also on a regular basis.
>> And you can schedule backups also which is a good idea.
>> And all this can be done while the server is on line.
> Many thanks. That worked for me.
> Dominik
Welcome. Glad I could help.
Greg Moore
SQL Server DBA Consulting
Email: sql (at)
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