Posted by laverdir on 03/13/07 23:47
Rik wrote:
> laverdir <MOVE-RE_ME_laverdir@post.t-com.hr> wrote:
>> <?
>> $query = "SELECT " . $this->tabela3 . ".id, " . $this->tabela3 .
>> ".naziv, " . $this->tabela3 . ".spisatelj, " . $this->tabela3 .
>> ".najava, " . " DATE_FORMAT(" . $this->tabela3 .
>> ".vrijeme_stavljanja, '%e. %c. %Y. %k:%i') FROM " . $this->tabela3 .
>> ", " . $this->tabela2 . " AS xref WHERE " . $this->tabela3 .
>> ".id=xref.spis_id AND xref.vrsta_id=" . $this->DB->quote($vrsta) . "
>> ORDER BY " . $this->tabela3 . ".vrijeme_stavljanja DESC";
>> ?>
>> php query doesn't return formated date and time, while this works
>> through console window:
> Echo your query, and see the problem. You're messing up quotes.
thanks for trying, but i have put echoed query in mysql console
(the one i posted here) and it works, but from php i got NULL..
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