Posted by Gladen Blackshield on 03/14/07 12:20
Thanks everyone (and sorry about that multipost...long day & longer night)
You're right, it was a header problem.
For some reason, I thought that I should use imagecreatefromjpeg and
imagejpeg for a JPG file...
And of course, the whole time the PNG header was right there in my face,
everytime the image didn't didn't display properly.
Changing the header and commands to PNG instead of Jpeg fixed it all.
"Gladen Blackshield" <gladen@verizon.net> wrote in message
> Hello;
> I'm a bit new to PHP and am having trouble with displaying an image
> through
> ANY of the IMAGE commands.
> I've read EVERY tutorial I could find, and even copied the code from
> exmaples...and nothing runs.
> I am running PHP version 4 (4.4.6) with GD 2.0
> Each and every image I attempt to display (either through striaght PHP or
> a
> call through an IMG link) shows up as RAW-DATA text.
> I am running on a LINUX serever with PHP 4.4.6
> PHP info tells me that I have GD enabled with Jpeg and with PNG.
> I've tried each and every type of image, several different images, and all
> I
> get is
> the following:
> #22,ܭglAj-d6f'L^VNzO͝:f䩺-uÝ+@'RU0;3pwwY"''ȩofM"S>>wyZ2\Z
> 3PUTFQa"'V[UefwYyzg"WyR ?([b:?e:
> &-&7i,~On9?0
> 'YnDnGI:M̢z<is?fT"q\V)~izgf?53ϳNd5gwwCmHx<f8"gvXr'T
> aJ"SJ9 "$3+?==ZovY.4=<f"T^TMUTR)>9^
> 4cffŬ$А>:0??R>79
> "j"{9Ƽ9'0?TWzr--緿ocAt~tֲ'qsw_?_l|<o`Sa\>!)aDdZ1saOۍ#?n7M^?>>n6>iz{SS7f,K)%.Rr1~8xTRJT^F--_eKRJ$
> .?9li-RUSrZ uȐ?xwnZ ?<<Y`js)Tԍ ^@ LtBѴ
> YqSJlff^tQRJTw?myqP @D"vozG'! j
> ic31"RptY
> 0N8Ze,AֺFYQ<FWGů"?.DKS
> etc.
> Putting in the HEADER command nets:
> Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
> (output
> started at /home/karstens/public_html/test/imgtest.php:9) in
> /home/karstens/public_html/test/imgtest.php on line 11
> and then the file output as raw data.
> any suggestions? Fixes? Advice?
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