Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/29/05 18:58
Els wrote:
> Jonathan N. Little wrote:
>>A:hover IMG{
>> border: 2px solid rgb(204,0,51);
>>Doesn't work in IE by itself like in Gecko, but requires the the
>>addition of
>>A:hover {
>> text-decoration: none;
> No, it doesn't.
> a:hover{color:red;}
> will do. There really is no need to do anything about the
> text-decoration.
> http://here.locusmeus.com/temp/doestoo.html
>>removal of the link underline on hover to work in IE. Strangely enough
>>just removing text-decoration on he link all together does NOT work in
>>IE, i.e,:
>>a {
>> text-decoration: none;
> That's because we're trying to get the :hover to work, not the link
> itself. The border on the image is already working.
>>A:hover SPAN{ color: white; background-color: blue; }
>><a href="#">This is a <span>Link</span> to nowhere</a>
>>Not sure why you would do this, but the background color is not set in
>>IE, but does work in FF, Moz, NN, and Opera...
> It does work in IE too, if you would have set a background color for
> the a:hover too.
> a:hover{background-color:white;color:blue;}
> http://here.locusmeus.com/temp/does2.html
Ok I think I get what IE doing, to get
A:hover [ChildElement] {...}
to function you have to add
A:hover {...}
to 'set' the hover 'trap' on the A element where as the orther browsers
can recoginize the trap with single rule that included the child element...
Take care,
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