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Re: folder and file permissions to read and write images

Posted by Mathias K. on 03/16/07 10:59

Am 15 Mar 2007 14:58:18 -0700 schrieb eholz1:

> On Mar 15, 10:34 am, "Mathias K." <> wrote:
>> Am 15 Mar 2007 10:45:04 -0700 schrieb eholz1:
>>> Hello PHP Group,
>>> I am having trouble setting permissions correctly so that the
>>> magickwand api (php 5.2) can read and
>>> write images. I usually read a file from one directory, create a
>>> magickwand resource from that file,
>>> and transform the image, and save the new image with a new name to a
>>> different directory.
>>> I have seen that my file and folder permissions when set incorrectly,
>>> will definitely cause problems!
>>> Below is a copy of an error message I get when I try to read an image
>>> and write, etc.
>>> Fatal Error: magickreadimage(): C API cannot read the file
>>> "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/portfolios/25/coffeeandcars.JPG"
>>> (reason: unable to open image `/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/portfolios/25/
>>> coffeeandcars.JPG':
>>> Permission denied) [on C source line 392] (# 256).
>>> Error in line 58 of file '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/portfolios/
>>> thumbmaker.php'.
>>> Script: '/portfolios/thumbmaker.php'.
>>> I have tried setting the owner and group to apache.apache, and
>>> apache.webdev (webdev is a group I created, where the apache user and
>>> another user are a member). I am running the Apache web server as the
>>> user "apache".
>>> Any suggestions on the correct permissions to get the read and writes
>>> to work??
>>> thanks,
>>> eholz1
>> Hello!
>> The problem probably lies in the actual permissions and not in who is the
>> owner of the file. The user has to have writing access as for example: 755
>> (owner has right to write and read, as well as execute, group and other can
>> read and execute only). Note that some php functions need exec right to
>> work properly.
>> If you have set the right to 755 or 744 or whatever the owner of the file
>> must be Apache. The user can have different names like www, wwwrun or as
>> you said apache. If your script doesn't work a different user seems to run
>> the scripts when you access them via HTTP.
>> If you can't find the proper user to set as owner just assign 777 to the
>> images folder so everyone can read and write. Of course the images have to
>> have the same rights when they shall be overwritten at any time.
>> ~ MK
> Hello Mathias
> Sie haben recht! Ich machen alles 0755 fur meine folders and files,
> Alles in Ordnung jetz!
> Ich bin dumm.
> I am thinking setting 755 was too easy!
> Live and learn,
> fielen Danke!
> Thanks,
> eholz1

Hehe, good that the solution was that easy.

Du bist nicht dumm, irren ist menschlich. ;-)
Wie du sagtest, leben und lernen. :)

Mit freundlichem Gruß,




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