Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/16/07 12:57
peter wrote:
>> That would give a PHP syntax error. He's getting a MySQL error.
> If for example in the php code he has the following:-
> $sql = "insert into canton ( big5, thekey, changjei, canton, touched )
> values ('\','BAY ','MGPP ','PEI ',0)"
> then no it will not create a php parse error it will have an sql error like
> he has as \' is an escaped single quotation mark thus the closing quotation
> mark is the 1 directly before BAY
That's true if the entire string is includes in double quotes. But that
isn't at all clear in the original statement. But you're probably right.
One fact remains - mysql_real_escape_string should be taking care of this.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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