Posted by programmo@gmail.com on 03/17/07 22:11
On 17 Mar, 20:22, "progra...@gmail.com" <progra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I need to divide in two string an article, to split in more pages:
> I have this string:
> [page]
> <hello word>
> [/page]
> [page]
> <hello word2>
> [/page]
> I need to split in array to show my article in more pages.
> I want an array that show already indexed for every page, so I use
> foreach and get and show the page.
> How the best and speed method to make this?
> www.pierpaoloromanelli.com
Thanks I solved in this method:
if (isset($_GET['pag']))
$Pieces= explode("[newpage]", $data['Article']['body']);
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