Posted by Alucard Calquemare on 03/18/07 17:48
As much as I love suomi, I'm not that fond of being insulted by a
suomalainen or anyone else (except by Elina perhaps, but her rear make it
much more bearable). As I said I'm a noob, I don't mind critics and
recommendations on the way I post or on the content of what I post. But the
way you put it is rather unpleasant to say the least, so I'll explain you
how I felt about it: in the first place I was more like: "Minua vituttaa!"
But I'm in another mood now. A suomalinen friend of mine (Anna) told me one
day that Finnish people are much more composed and modest than the
ranskanlainen I was, and she taught me a saying: "Modesty makes beautiful".
I still believe in what she said, I just think that being a bit popular in
the IT area makes you feel a bit too overconfident and critical. "Koulutus:
filosofian kandidaatti, pδδaineena matematiikka..." As you may have
forgotten Berkeley claimed that philosophy was nothing other than the study
of wisdom and truth. I'll give you an A for truth and an F minus for wisdom.
"Docendo disco, scribendo cogito" is your motto isn't it? The more I learn
about you, the more I laugh. Do you ever apply what you preach? or do you
just throw some nice cryptical phrases thinking it'll sound good? Ah, you
are indeed literate, I was afraid you were just some old fashioned math
geezer. I hope all of the FK are not like you. Another time, another place,
I would have been very excited about having a little chat with you but well,
considering whom you really are now, I'll pass. I've got much more
intellectually stimulating things to do right now like sorting my socks. As
well as I am probably an idiot you are most certainly an old fart and I'm
not going to give you the pleasure to bow down before your sorry ass because
you wrote some books about XHTML and other shits. I could have wrote this
little reply in Finnish, in order to prove you that I'm not as stupid as I
seem to be, but it will have taken away the pleasure of knowing that others
non Finnish speaker would read it.
Moο moο juntti, and don't forget: suksi vittuun!
GAT d-@ s:- a-? C++ UL++ P+ L+ E++ W++>$ N K w++++>$ O- M- V- PS+ PE Y PGP t
5 X+ R+ ()R++ tv- b++ DI++ D+ G++ e h- r+ y++>$
"Jukka K. Korpela" <jkorpela@cs.tut.fi> wrote in message
> Scripsit Alucard Calquemare:
>> Well first of all,
> First of all, if you are commenting on something, you should quote or
> paraphrase a key sentence or too, to give context. Deviating from this is
> taken as a cluelessness indicator on Usenet, much the same way as quoting
> an entire posting is.
>> you've got to learn at least html 4.0 if you want
>> to survive,
> Hardly, and surely not from you.
> Surely the OP might benefit from a somewhat more systematic and modern
> approach to HTML authoring, but nobody will get killed or even seriously
> hurt for tag soup HTML.
>> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
> XHTML on web pages is pointless. We've discussed this several times, but
> you decided to jump into the group and start preaching without checking
> the audience.
> Using Transitional when you present something as an improved rewrite of
> something is clueless, unless you can explain and do explain some
> acceptable reason for using Transitional features for some real purpose.
>> <!--//Head-->
>> <head>
> That's idiotic. Figuratively speaking. I don't want to insult idiots;
> idiots don't create web pages and don't write such foolish "comments".
>> <meta name="description" content="" />
> You just copied some template and threw it at us without thinking much,
> did you?
>> <title>grandparents1</title>
> I made a remark about this, a practically relevant one. You apparently
> didn't even read the answers given so far before posting your
> "contribution".
>> .navcolor {color:#004000; size:+1}
> As if the common mistake of setting color without setting background were
> not enough, you add some grossly malformed CSS code.
>> function MM_reloadPage(init) { //reloads the window if Nav4 resized
> Copying code that purported does something for "Nav4" is very foolish. Do
> you have any idea of how "much" Netscape 4 is currently used?
>> <br />
> Using line break to create vertical spacing? Looks like you never really
> tried to learn CSS seriously.
>> <img src="tomandmary_family.jpg" width="339" height="419"
>> align="bottom" border="3"></p>
> You don't even write valid markup.
>> <p align="center" class="navcolor"><b><a href="index.htm">Back to
>> Start</a> <a
>> href="momanddad2.htm">More from Mom and Dad</a></b></p>
> That's about 1997 vintage HTML. I don't blame anyone for using it on old
> pages of their own, but I do laugh at people who present it as recommended
> markup in public.
>> GAT d-@ s:- a-? C++ UL++ P+ L+ E++ W++>$ N K w++++>$ O- M- V- PS+ PE
>> Y PGP t 5 X+ R+ ()R++ tv- b++ DI++ D+ G++ e h- r+ y++>$
> Well, that describes the value of your posting, and it is noteworthy that
> you present it as message content proper, not in a Usenet-style signature.
> --
> Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/
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