Posted by Alvaro G Vicario on 06/30/05 17:19
*** Yttrium wrote/escribió (Thu, 30 Jun 2005 11:45:39 +0200):
> I'm going to compile php5 on a linux server.
> I would add some comments in my phpinfo(), like "Compiled by foo tuesday
> 15th july"
> Is it possible to do this, and how ?
I've you're compiling from source code, why shouldn't it be possible? Use
grep to find the source file for phpinfo(). As far as I know PHP is written
in C.
-- Álvaro G. Vicario - Burgos, Spain
-- http://bits.demogracia.com - Mi sitio sobre programación web
-- Don't e-mail me your questions, post them to the group
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