Posted by Vince Morgan on 03/19/07 01:07
>if ( strpos($config_content, 'dbuser') && (substr($config_content, 0,
>5) != '<?php' || substr($config_content, -2) != '?>') )
I should have paid more attention to the above.
The firt test is for the string 'dbuser' within the "config.php" file.
If that is missing it will also generate the message below, and that could
be very confusing.
Especialy considering that it states "Remember <u>it
>is not mistake</u>" when in fact it may well not be what the error message
indicates, which would in fact be a "mistake"
Badly formed error testing and reporting I think.
>print('· You have <u>damaged</u>: <b>config.'.$phpEx.'</b> file !<br /
>· File must begin with: <b><?php</b> and finish with <b>?></b>
>with any other chars (spaces, tabs or new line) before <?php and
>after ?><br />· You must correct the file !<br />· Remember <u>it
>is not mistake</u>, if your text editor can not see this space, tab or
>new line, use other editor with operating multi (CR/LF) format or
>create new file with clean content.<br />· Forum will not work
>correctly with damaged config.php file.<hr /><br />');
Vince Morgan
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