Posted by Alan on 03/19/07 12:28
"Toby A Inkster" <usenet200703@tobyinkster.co.uk> wrote in message
> zainally wrote:
>> I want to detect uppercase characters in a string and separate the two
>> words in it by a space. I know I can use preg_replace for it, but I am
>> not very good at regular expressions. Can someone help?
> You want something like this:
> $s = preg_replace('/([^\s])([A-Z])/', '\1 \2', $s);
> You probably want to consider what sort of behaviour is "desirable" in
> edge cases like this:
> Print404ErrorPage
> GetHTTPRequest
> Jpeg2Gif
> The above regular expression will output:
> Print404 Error Page
> Get H T T P Request
> Jpeg2 Gif
> which might not be what you wanted!
Further to Toby's post:
$TestStr = Print404ErrorPage\nGetHTTPRequest\nJpeg2Gif\nJPEG";
$CapRegX = '/(\B[A-Z])(?=[a-z])|(?<=[a-z])([A-Z])/sm';
$RepStr = ' $1$2';
$OutStr = preg_replace($CapRegX,$RepStr,$TestStr);
Print404 Error Page
Get HTTP Request
Jpeg2 Gif
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