Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/19/07 18:07
Dana Cartwright wrote:
> I have a website in which PHP errors are displayed, despite having them
> configured to not display.
> Here is a test file I created to explore this:
> <?php
> echo ini_get( 'display_errors' );
> phpInfo();
> ?>
> The ini_get says "On", the phpInfo says "Off" (for display_errors in the PHP
> Core section).
> PHP 5.0.4
> I'm struggling to understand how, at runtime, I get these conflicting
> reports. The configuration files all say display_errors is OFF, and phpInfo
> agrees, but PHP acts like they are on, and ini_get shows why.
First of all, are you editing the correct php.ini file? (Probably, but
it's always worth checking).
Next - do you have the php.ini file overridden in your .htaccess or
httpd.conf file?
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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