Posted by Marian Steinbach on 03/19/07 21:47
On 19 Mrz., 17:18, Toby A Inkster <usenet200...@tobyinkster.co.uk>
> Marian Steinbach wrote:
> > 3) Writing XML "manually"
> > like $xml .= '<tag>'.utf8_encode($value).'</tag>';
> I tend to do this. Don't forget liberal use of htmlentities(). Unlike
> parsing XML, outputting XML manually is very easy, and I find that most XML
> output libraries fall into the "overkill" category.
I just did a very simple comparison of "manual XML writing" and
XMLWriter (which is supposed to be very fast). Surprisingly to me,
XMLWriter is even twice as fast as manual XML writing.
I ran creation of a simple document 10.000 times. Results:
manual.php: ~ 5 seconds
xmlwriter.php: ~ 2 secs
Here is the code I used:
$start = microtime(true);
require './common.inc.php';
function makeXmlDocument($short, $long) {
$ret = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
if (isset($short) && !empty($short)) {
$ret .= '<short>'.htmlspecialchars($short).'</short>'."\n";
if (isset($long) && !empty($long)) {
$ret .= '<long>'.htmlspecialchars($long).'</long>'."\n";
$ret .= '</document>';
return $ret;
for ($i=0; $i<$num_iterations; $i++) {
$xml = makeXmlDocument($short_string, $long_string);
echo 'time used: '.(microtime(true) - $start);
$start = microtime(true);
require './common.inc.php';
function makeXmlDocument($short, $long) {
$memory = xmlwriter_open_memory();
xmlwriter_start_element($memory, 'document');
if (isset($short) && !empty($short)) {
xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'short', $short);
if (isset($long) && !empty($long)) {
xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'long', $long);
$ret = xmlwriter_output_memory($memory, true);
return $ret;
for ($i=0; $i<$num_iterations; $i++) {
$xml = makeXmlDocument($short_string, $long_string);
echo 'time used: '.(microtime(true) - $start);
$num_iterations = 10000;
$short_string = 'Some Short Value';
$long_string = 'Some very long text (truncated here)';
It would be interesting to see which version scales better... That
means: How would the two behave with multiple concurrent requests
(rather typical for a REST API, I guess) and with very large XML
documents (rather untypical for REST services, since lists should be
limited anyway)?
I'll test that.
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