Posted by *Davide* on 06/30/05 09:44
Hilarion wrote:
>> I must read and work with a .udl file (this is unicode)
>> And so I use the istruction $array = file($path_udl), but:
>> $array[1] = P r o v i d e r = S Q L O L E D B . 1 ; P a s s w o r
>> d = R a d 1 s h ;
>> With the "space" from char to char, if I open the file in binary
>> mode from chat to char there is a 00 (NULL)
>> I use the function mb_*, but nothing change, also the
>> mb_ereg_replace.
>> I tried this istructions, but nothing change!
>> $utf_content = file_get_contents ('file.udl');
>> $decoded_content = utf8_decode ($utf_content);
>> $array = explode ("\r\n", $decoded_content);
> Which "mb_*" function did you use?
> Try this (utf8_decode is for UTF-8, not for Unicode):
> <?php
> $unicode_content = file_get_contents ('file.udl');
> $decoded_content = mb_convert_encoding( $unicode_content, "ASCII",
> "UCS-2" ); $array = explode ("\r\n", $decoded_content);
> You should replace "ASCII" with the charset you are using on your
> webpage.
> Hilarion
Hi Hilarion,
Great Hilarion!
The script runs correctly!
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