Posted by Arjen on 03/20/07 10:38
ten schreef:
> I have a page with images and when you click on a thumb a larger image
> opens. When the larger image opens the previous thumbs are not on the page
> so it makes it a little awkward to navigate to the next image because I have
> to go back with my browser back button, and then from the thumb page I click
> on the next image for the larger image, then again the back button, etc..,
> etc..
> Is there a standard bit of code I can use to create previous and next links
> on the larger image page?
How bout storing the request_uri ? Presivous page is the previous
request uri :-)
$lastpage = $_SESSION['thispage'];
echo '<a href = "'.$lastpage.'">go back</a>';
As for the 'next page link' Im guessing you van create that from the
currentpage. I dont know you db setup
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