Posted by laredotornado@zipmail.com on 03/20/07 21:11
On Mar 20, 12:48 pm, "Steve" <no....@example.com> wrote:
> <laredotorn...@zipmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1174409567.511199.93130@n76g2000hsh.googlegroups.com...
> | Hi,
> |
> | Using a free PHP class from the web, I'm attempting to send out an
> | HTML email with an attachment. However, when I attempt to open up
> | that email in Outlook, all I see is code, for example, the boundary
> | "-------e5825de1777334ea6e771e6d187a39df" appears in the body of the
> | email. Below is the php I'm using
> |
> | return mail($this->To, $this->Subject, $thebody, $headers);
> your email is not rfc compliant.
Could you be more specific? What do I need to add/remove to the email
to make it complaint?
Thanks, - Dave
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