Posted by plmanikandan on 03/21/07 16:39
I would like to know details about the table name starts with prefix
in sql server 2000.
Actually i'm working on existing code.
The existing code insert a record into a table, but the table name in
the code and table name in database are different
Table name in database : tbl_mmm_ox
In coding they are using table name as mmm only, the records are
properly inserted into mmm table
is it possible?
The sample code is like that(using ado object)
oCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO mmm (no,name) values (1,"mm")"
The above code is perfectly working and inserting record into
Could anybody explain how is it possible?
whether we can leave the prefix(tbl) and suffix(ox) and sql server
take care of this?
Thanks & Regards,
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