Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/23/07 14:08
sathyashrayan wrote:
> On Mar 22, 7:57 pm, "sathyashrayan" <sathyashra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Went to an interview and got f**ked ... (OT):
>> They wanted me to do this in 2 hr. Create a address book, insert the
>> data in mysql. And create a admin panel where the user has the
>> privileges to add,edit,delete the record. A view panel where the data
>> are fetched and displayed with html tables. And the user will also
>> have the functionality to save the data with .pdf or .csv. I took 3 hr
>> (Given me more time) and I could not get it done :( I have so far
>> have 20 php ebooks, but I could not make all those books in my faver.
>> Can any one tell me where to start? Start from which application?
>> calender? Guest book? address book? Please help.
> Thanks for all your help. But please tell me where shall I start?
I'm with the others. I could probably code something up in a couple of
hours, but it wouldn't be pretty, it wouldn't be the most efficient way
of doing things, and probably would no be without errors. But at the
end I would have something to show them.
IMHO they aren't as much interested in the results as your reaction and
progress on the package. They obviously are looking for someone with a
fair amount of experience who can delve right in. They're also looking
for someone who can work independently and doesn't need much direction.
And the key here is your question: "Where shall I start?". That in
itself is very telling. This makes it obvious that you don't have the
level of experience they are looking for. This isn't bad - everyone has
to start somewhere. It's just a matter than you and this job are
Don't feel bad, though. No, you didn't get the job. But make it a
learning experience. Look for a more entry-level job and get some
experience. Then you'll be ready for the jobs requiring more experience.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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