Posted by Lars Erik Bryld on 03/23/07 18:39
Scripsit Kimmo Laine:
>> $l = (1 << (ord($header[10]) & 7) + 1);
> Have you tested that this actually gives the correct value? Just
> that it looks a bit.. hmm.. error-bound? :) Although it does seem
> to be the same as the original...
Tested it, at it seems to work. Most GIFS produce the value 256, and a
B/W GIF produces 2 as it should.
> If the goal here is to write the same value three times (for r,g,b)
> you want str_repeat(chr($gray),3). 3*chr($gray) will give you
> unexpected results.
Tried yoru suggestion, but same result, alas.
>> $rest = fread($fi, 99999999999999999999);
>> fwrite($fo, $rest);
>> fclose($fi);
>> fclose($fo);
This is what I suspect is not doing what I thought it would.
Med venlig hilsen
Lars Erik Bryld
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