Posted by asdf on 03/24/07 00:51
"AKA" <fallon@das.com> wrote in message
> "asdf" <asdf@asdf.com> wrote in message
> news:46045c93$0$20287$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au...
>> [snip]
>>>> Social Security and Medicare are the two serious
>>>> threats to fiscal stability, not the debt,
>>>> which is actually a barrier to further disasters
>>>> like SS and Medicare.
>> [snip]
>> If your economy can't keep it's populace free from poverty and fight
>> disease, what's the point of running it? Making more profit? What a
>> shallow and empty exercise.
> Capitalism has does not require democracy to exist. In fact, reduction of
> democratic principles allows fewer to have more and more to have less.
....which seems to be a self-fulfilling prophecy where the Bush regime is
concerned ;). The modern 'democracy' would appear to be a breeding ground
for *deceipt* and corruption on a grand scale, rather than a method of
empowering the populace.
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