Posted by John Hosking on 03/26/07 16:13
Paul Martin wrote:
> Val
> Don't take offence, none was intended.
What are you talking about? Please leave some context in your reply. The
posts I've seen don't indicate any offence taken by Val, nor any any
reason for her to from you.
> As someone who just needs to create a website Frontpage does it for me
> as you will be able to see if you look at www.ngtrains.com. It just
> makes me smile when people [code snobs?] rubbish a perfectly useable
> program.
Well, it's not *that* perfect:
"Monday, March 26, 107" ;-)
> I wish I had time to learn HTML and other bits to make the site really
> whizzy and I occasionally head of down an avenue in that direction and
> find I am spending ages on it and am missing the point of doing the
> website and using time I should be spending on customers orders.
Well, you know, maybe if you understood HTML and CSS, you could simplify
the code, and with simpler code it wouldn't take so much of your time to
> The sort of thing that gets me going is the other reply received to my
> query. Yes it helps, but only after its delivered a high handed lecture
> on things I should have done but had never heard of prior to the lecture.
Do you mean the response by dorayme? If so, then you need to realign
your help perceptors. A URL is always preferred over large code
snippets, and since you apparently have an actual site already, you
could have provided the URL and let us examine it. The help would have
been greater, as dorayme said, and for the reasons he mentioned. In no
way do I see his reply as high-handed. That's not his way.
You could indeed (similar to the hint from dorayme) add
margin-bottom:.1em; (or some other preferred small value) to your h3
rule. I have no idea what FrontPage will do to it then, however.
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