Posted by gabriele on 03/26/07 12:14
Hi, i'm new in this newsgroup,
I'm working on a web based managerial software in my company and, for
speed-up my work, have created a framework
This framework uses the PHP and JAVASCRIPT technology.
the innovation in this work is the approach:
You don't need to write specific code in PHP or JS, but you need only to
define a page structure applying the rules and conventions of the
develop environment.
for example this code create a totally working AJAX-form, like MSAccess
mask :
<SECTION GEOMETRY="500px,300px" >
<SOCKET ID="sock1" DSN="demo" TABLE="Customers" FIELDS="*"
KEYFIELD="CustomerID" CANREAD="true">
<AJFORM ID="form1" DSN="sock1" CANREAD="true" VERBOSE="false" >
ASINCRONO" WRAP="true" NOWRAP="false" STYLE="text-align:center;font:20px
arial,sans;background-color:lightgrey;" >
<LABEL GEOMETRY="16px,56px,465px,37px" CAPTION="Per la dimostrazione ho
importato una tabella con dei dati fittizi e la ho collegata ad un form
in questa finestra." STYLE="font:12px arial,sans;" >
<AJFTEXT GEOMETRY="128px,106px,170px,20px" ID="testo1" FORM="form1"
FIELD="CompanyName" STYLE="border:1px solid grey;" >
<LABEL GEOMETRY="16px,106px,106px,20px" CAPTION="Ragione sociale :"
STYLE="font:12px arial,sans;" NOWRAP="true" >
<LABEL GEOMETRY="16px,128px,106px,20px" CAPTION="Indirizzo :"
STYLE="font:12px arial,sans;" >
<LABEL GEOMETRY="16px,152px,94px,20px" CAPTION="Citta' :"
STYLE="font:12px arial,sans;" >
<LABEL GEOMETRY="16px,176px,106px,20px" CAPTION="Paese :"
STYLE="font:12px arial,sans;" >
<AJFTEXT GEOMETRY="128px,128px,170px,20px" STYLE="border:1px solid
grey;" ID="testo2" FORM="form1" FIELD="Address" >
<AJFTEXT GEOMETRY="128px,152px,170px,20px" STYLE="border:1px solid
grey;" ID="testo3" FORM="form1" FIELD="City" >
<AJFTEXT GEOMETRY="128px,176px,170px,20px" STYLE="border:1px solid
grey;" ID="testo4" FORM="form1" FIELD="Country" >
<BUTTON GEOMETRY="112px,272px,70px,20px" CAPTION="Avanti"
ONCLICK="form1.moveNext();" >
<BUTTON GEOMETRY="26px,271px,70px,20px" CAPTION="Indietro"
ONCLICK="form1.movePrev();" >
You can see a demonstration at this website :
If you think that code is a little bit complicated, in past 2 month i
created the Integrated Develop Environment (IDE) which is accessible at
this link by clicking the 'Editor' button.
This is still in harder development, but you can try to modify the
'forms>modificabili>editable.xml' pages by picking one in the tree menu
at left side.
After editor start you can drag the pre-existent webgets (an web version
of controls in MSVBasic) or drag and drop one new from left-top frame.
At last you can see a working version by clicking 'Salva' and the
'Anteprima' from the top bar.
P.S. I'm italian and my english can will be incomprensible. Excuse me.
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