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Re: Performance impact of "require"ing lots of source?

Posted by ZeldorBlat on 03/27/07 19:06

On Mar 27, 2:17 pm, "lister" <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a fairly diverse range of data that I want to cache in the
> session rather than pulling it from the database on every page
> refresh.
> The problem is is that it seems that PHP requires the class
> definitions available on EVERY page, as it unserialises everything
> even if it's not going to be used.
> This has put me in the worrying situation of having to "require"
> pretty much every class definition in my project on every page, and
> I'm concerned about the performance impact this is going to have due
> to PHP having to parse reams of code every time.
> Are there any elegant ways around this? Am I worrying over nothing?
> Cheers,
> Lister

Are you experiencing some specific performance problem? Or are you
just worrying before you actually have a reason to? :) Honestly, I
don't think it will cause any problems.

This was recently discussed in another thread, but you should make use
of __autoload():


Besides the fact that it will only load classes as necessary, it will
also save you from having all those require()'s at the top of your



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