Posted by shimmyshack on 03/29/07 00:50
On 29 Mar, 00:26, "andy" <jenki...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I currently use Eclipse for creating the PHP application, which is
> great for editing but quite slow when using FTP. But when im testing i
> like to use CuteFTP Pro for quicky editing and seeing the results. Im
> getting fed up with CuteFTP as its really flakey.
> I am looking for a simiar application like CuteFTP that has an inbuilt
> editor but can not find one, every one I have looked at uses a
> different application to edit.
> Can anyone recomend a FTP editor that works well with quickly editing
> PHP web applications?
I would personally not use this approach, instead why not set up a
proper testing server at home/work, you would then use the best editor
for editing which will not be the same thing as the best of the bunch
that do FTP as well.
Running a testing server teaches you more about the software you use
because you get to be in full control of its config. You can still use
ftp for working with your local files if you run filezilla server;
filezilla client is what I would recommend to use to upload the
working results to your server. You will have less downtime, and fewer
silly mistakes made at night running all night and day until you spot
why you shouldn't have saved back to the live server before going to
Some would say that you should have a staging server as well, great
advice but it gets harder and harder to justify the amount of time
spent maintaining all three if you don't have root access.
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