Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 04/02/07 02:42
Toby A Inkster wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Now - what happens if you have two authors named "John Smith"? Your
>> design just fell apart.
> Ummm... who said anything about real names -- I was only extracting their
> login. Two authors with the same name would have different logins.
Yes, and if I'm the author of an article, I want my real name on it, not
some logon id which may or may not be related to my name.
>> Also, a persons login id may not be the same as their name. And if I'm
>> authoring an article, I want my name on it, not my userid.
> This might not be for generating a page. Perhaps articles are kept on
> users' own home pages, so you want to generate a link like:
> <a href="/~LOGIN/articles/">TITLE</a>
OK, and what happens if that page changes? Now you have an out-of-date
link. Or worse yet - someone changes the contents from an article about
PHP to the latest news on broccoli.
>> Not a design I would use.
> I think we've established that. :-)
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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